Airess Fire Protection

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Submitted by: Thu Trang
Airess – Fire Protection
AIRESS is Installer sprinkler, RIA, wet columns and dry columns and intervenes onthe France.
Our activity extends from the study, production, implementation, maintenanceand verification of protection systems fire sprinklers in the installation andmaintenance of related solutions: RIA, GMPD, dry and wet columns.
+ Rule APSAD, European standard, standard NF, or insurance (FM, AXA, etc…),
+ Protection of goods and persons,
+ Respect for the environment with the development of the recovery of water Recovaqua system.
Capable of carrying out large projects of new work over several years (ex: Renovation of the Forum des Halles, Paris – Gare St Lazare, Paris), we can meet a request tracking and maintenance of existing installations not carried out by our care.
Airess has a Diesel service / electricity dedicated for the installation, maintenance and troubleshooting of electric, Diesel, alarms, etc…
The sprinkler is a skilled and requiring a high-tech, Airess is committed in the continuous training of its employees providing internal training on new products and standards used. We are also several youth alternately in optics integrate our teams at the end of their degree qualification
Airess training offers different formulas to our customers and partners in order to introduce them to the specificities of the sprinkler: regulations, control of installations, gestures and emergency procedure training, etc.
+ Client program:
We give the possibility to our customers to follow one or more days of training specific to the operation and understanding of a sprinkler installation, fire protection issues, the rules to be followed and the various proposed protections.
+ ELearning:
Made available on our website of videos and documents to our partners on the operation and use of our facilities.
The sales AIRESS are trained in different repositories: APSAD, NF EN 12845, NFPA, AXA, FM,…, in order to establish commercial offers tailored to the risks to protect and the expectations of customers and their insurers.
Afin_d’ optimize our cost and offer our clients the best financial offer, the commercial service is in constant connection with our other services: consultancy, service purchase, prefabrication workshop,…)
Throughout the project, the commercial referent accompanies the realization and is available to the client for any technical precision or urgent problem resolution.
We respond to requests for protection sprinkler under water or “doped” foam, RIA, wet or dry column, post fire, water curtain..
The office ‘studies AIRESS is responsible for the design and the realization of theplans of prefabrication (workshop) and execution plans (mounting).
Designers and illustrators follow ongoing training for the upgrade on thestandards and rules sprinklers, technical trainings.
For each site which we carry out fire protection, the design bureau is responsibleof the follow-up of the technical dossier sprinkler, it includes plans and technicalcharacteristics continuously updated.
For existing maintenance and maintenance of sprinkler installations, we alsoperform audits: monitoring plans, verification of protection (hydraulic calculations).
Our technical manager is based on these analyses to establish the list of deviationsfrom the standard.
During any extension or installing sprinkler redesign existing, we check theconformity of the plans ‘as built’ existing and control the hydraulic systemadequacy in place compared to the repositories into force (hydraulic calculations).
About the Author: LE Thi Thu TrangBusiness AnalysteAge : 28
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