Resale Rights Products Are All Scams?

By LeRan Hutch
Okay I’m going to say it and I’m proud that I have the nerve to do so “Resale Rights Products” are SCAMS. I know it’s not the proper thing to say because I’ve not seen or experience all the products out there that comes with resale rights but that is the general feeling I get with people in the Internet Marketing community
Let me backup for a minute and explain just what resale rights or resell rights products are that I’m talking about. I’m speaking about the digital software products that are floating around the Internet marketing community which thrive on publish sizing this image that a person can purchase their product (with Resale Rights) and sell that product to another person just like it is and collect full profits. These types of offers makes it very appealing to someone that looking to get started in the online home base business because they to do not have to have a product of their own and can start make cash immediately so they say.
Well this is exactly where the whole resale rights product business gets kick to straight to hell. You see here is the big picture that most people that are buying these products with resale rights fail to see. First of all the person that is selling you the product is most likely not the original owner of the product and there are just selling you the product just like they bought the product which makes the competition very fierce especially if it is product that is in high demand. So what do the normal business people do when there is competition? Come up with an angle or as they say in the business world “Unique Selling Position” USP. Some of these USP have been to change the sales page of the resale rights product but what has become to norm is to lower the price of your competitors.
This is when the whole business got shot to hell. You want proof? Just find any product with resale rights and do search on Google and I will bet you that you will find several different prices for the same product and some even dirt cheap like $1.00 on eBay. This is why I use the word SCAM, its because of the simple fact that no way in the world can someone purchase a product for $39.95 and make a fortune over night it is just not true but unfortunately it is always stated in the sales page hype which we can talk all day about that but I’ll leave that for another article. Well anyway this is how most digital resale right products are marketed on the Internet. How many times have you seen a web page that you ran across on Internet that advertise that you can “buy this product and it will do blab…blab… blab… for only just $39.95 and it comes with Resale Rights”….wow!
Well as you might know by now I’m very sensitive to these type of sale pages and I’ve dedicated a website that specks out against products and product owner that continue to use these method to take a advantage of newbies and novice Internet marketers on the Internet. If you find yourself reading this article and you are a newbie or starting out in online home business and decides to go into the digital resale right product business please check into it completely.
Quick Tip: As mention earlier you can always Google your resale rights product that you are thinking about purchasing and see what the competition is like. Most offer even if it is good product and the price is reasonable you just might find a better deal from someone else anyway.
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Resale Rights Products
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