Flexible Ducts Air Conditioning Heating Construction Trades &Amp; Building Renovations

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By Allan I Schacter
Flexible ducts, ducting, hose or hoses that are generally and often used in the heating & air conditioning trades as well as in building renovations and upgrades deserves more than special care and attention. Flexible ducting is spiral in shape and shapes and generally made and composed of either fabric or metal. Fabric hose consists of a fabric (generally either in older previous forms cotton or more recently in newer design and manufacture polyesters) all with a neoprene coating over metal wire. Flexible ducts are generally used for normal temperature and temperatures and non corrosive applications. That is for example a simple and standard home clothes dryer hose setup. You may well need, and your local, state or provincial building codes demand, metal hose and hoses for high and higher temperatures, corrosive operations, some solvents or in some heating, air conditioning and ducting situations extreme or specific types of dust. Metal hoses are usually made and fabricated out of aluminum or stainless steel and steels.
Flexible hose is readily available in one inch increments for diameters from four inches to 8 inches and in two inch increments from eight inches to twelve inches. Smaller sizes should be readily available in the heating and air conditioning trades marketplace at your local heat and air-conditioning wholesale supply or supplier.
Flexible hose resistance and resistances are usually much higher than resistance of conventional galvanized ducts. With flexible ducts and ducting, resistance is further increased by kinks that occur when the hose is not extended to its full length. To decrease this resistance 1) use the least amount of flexible hose possible 2) eliminate any sharp 90 degree bends in the system and 3) cut off any excess hose. As a general rule in the heating and air conditioning trades experienced staff and contractors will hold and state that if you double the resistance figure for a rigid duct, you will overall have a rough estimate of the resistance of a flexible duct system.
Overall it can be stated and is generally pointed out in the heating and air-conditioning trades that flexible ductings principal advantage overall is the maneuverability of the plain opening hood at the end. Locate the hood as close as possible to the and any source of contamination.
Flexible ducts are maneuvered in one of two ways and means. The first involves mechanical arms similar to those used to control movable desk lamps. These arms can be purchased commercially at either big box hardware and home reno stores, or your favorite local heating and supply trades supplier shops. The second method involves two or more overhead pulleys with a rope attached at one end to the duct and at the other to a cleat or cleating device.
Lastly the commercial or mechanical arm devices have the overall and specific disadvantage and disadvantages of limited height and heights as well as position and positional maneuverability as compared to flexible duct setups utilizing the pulley system and systems. Overall it can be both said and stated by experienced professional air conditioning and heating staff that the pulley systems are more maneuverable but more difficult to adjust accurately.
About the Author: Allan I. Schacter Furnasman Winnipeg Schedule a free, no obligation appointment with one of our comfort consultants to learn more about our entire line-up of heating products
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