Bathroom Radiators For The Home

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Submitted by: Mandi Pardley
If the heating is not terribly efficient in your home, or perhaps your bathroom is situated with a window and an outside wall it might be an idea to look at the range of modern bathroom radiators available today to make it more comfortable.
If your bathroom is small, there is no longer the need to think of radiators as being large cumbersome things, many modern radiators are slim and very attractive and many double as towel warming racks. These radiators come in an amazing choice of styles and finishes, from modern brushed steel to slim panel radiators that come with a traditional white finish.
One big advantage of newer radiators is that the heat can be controlled, so a quick adjustment can make a bathroom warm and cosy while there will be no danger of anyone burning themselves. The heat can then be reduced when the bathroom is not in use.
Of course if you have a large Victorian or more traditional home with a large bathroom you can still purchase cast iron radiators in a number of attractive finishes. Cast iron retains heat well, and will continue to warm the room long after it has been turned off.
Of course you will also have the choice of having new radiators plumbed into your bathroom which does involve a lot of work and mess, but modern electric radiators do the job just as well and are much more manageable, as they can be tuned off and on with ease and even removed to another room if required.
Convection radiators are a popular choice for many, and come in a large selection of shapes and sizes. Some can be suspended above a bath or fit in a small space along the floor. Bathrooms are often such strange shapes and dimensions in older houses, the most important thing will be to decide where you want to locate the radiator, what size it should be and the finish. Any electrical work should be done by a qualified electrician to install the radiator safely and properly. Of course if your choice is a wall mounted radiator that also doubles as a towel warmer, it is better to locate it near to a bath or shower for convenience.
If you have a taste for the more unusual modern designer radiators often look nothing like radiators. Their design is efficient, and they can turn an ordinary bathroom into a unique place of refuge. Whether a modern designer radiator is a flat panel, or made from chrome tubing or aluminium they are designed to be eye-catching and to enhance your bathroom’s decor.
If you choose aluminium, these is a very popular choice for the modern bathroom as aluminium is an extremely efficient emitter of heat – these are some of the most efficient bathroom radiators, contain little water, and are very responsive when turned up or down. That means your power bills won’t be quite as scary as you anticipated.
Both aluminium and chrome tubular steel finishes look eye-catching and are extremely easy to keep clean. Tubular steel does not corrode and if necessary can be moulded into any shape easily to fit an awkward space.
If you don’t care for white, chrome or metal finishes, there is now a huge choice of modern colours to enhance your decor, from bright red to orange or warm browns that will match any natural wooden panelling in your bathroom.
No more shivering in a cold and drafty bathroom, you can enjoy the luxury of lying in a warm bath or bathing the kids without them complaining. Look into installing some new bathroom radiators today; it’ll be cold again before you know it.
About the Author: Mandi Pardley is the sales coordinator at Smart SEO and works to ensure SEO is used efficiently in clients marketing campaigns and she works with clients to devise the appropriate course of action. Smart SEO is based in Lancashire for the past 5 years. Only Towel Rails offer a wide range of high quality affordable
which will suit every budget and the radiators will look great in any bathroom whether it contemporary or traditional.
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