How To Take Care Of Your Two Tone Gold Jewelry On The Internet}

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Submitted by: Jeff Cox
Two tone gold jewelry is made to enhance your looks and is said to work wonders for both your formal as well as informal occasions. Just like its competitors, the two tone gold jewelry collections requires a lot of care and an effort needs to be made to ensure that your precious necklace and gorgeous rings are kept free from dirt and grime. While most procedures are simple and effective, some require special care as well. Given below are four basic methods to keep your two tone gold jewelry neat and clean.
Clean it with a piece of dry cloth
Whenever you purchase a necklace or an earring, you make it a point to flaunt it everywhere. This causes your precious jewel to either rust or start to loose its luster. To save yourself from an unnecessary expenditure, you need to simply remove your jewel and clean it with a dry cloth, preferably a cotton cloth. If your jewelry is prone to tarnish, make use of a tarnish proof cloth or a known liquid cleaner. These cleaners are readily available in the market.
Keep it closed in an air tight container
An air tight container is just what you need to preserve your jewels from further decay. For this to happen, you need to ensure that the jewels are always kept in a safe and secure domain. This could either be in the form of a tarnish proof bag, a simple polythene bag or an air tight jewel bag. The aim here is to save your two tone gold jewelry from getting dirty. A container also ensures to provide adequate protection to your jewelry and keeps it safe and secure from physical damage.
Keep your two tone gold jewelry separately
It is important to note that you always store your two tone gold jewelry in a neat container. You also need to make sure that your jewelry is placed separately. Never place your two tone gold jewelry with a diamond, for a diamond is known to leave scratches. This would spoil your jewelry. So buy a jewelry box which is meant exclusively for your two tone jewels. With time, you would realize that a simple effort can actually save your precious jewels from getting tarnished.
Wear your jewelry with care
You need to understand that your two tone gold jewelry is made from precious stones and hence it is perishable in nature. Keeping that in mind, try and ensure that you wear your necklace, or for that matter, you earrings and bracelets with care. Do not leave them at your friends place and avoid removing and wearing them too often. These can lead to permanent damage and your jewels might get spoilt for ever. At the same time, whenever you are back from a party, always ensure that you remove your jewelry and place it in an air tight container. Do not leave it lying out in the open. These four simple steps can insure a longer shelf life to your precious jewelry.
About the Author: How to take care of your
Two Tone Gold Jewelry
on the Internet – this guide was paid for by We carry
Two Tone Jewelry
in addition to
Sterling Silver Jewelry
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