Infographic Power Point Templates And Brand Advocacy: The Relation!}

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Submitted by: Slideloot Designs
Infographic content is in vogue! This is courtesy the accessibility factor that comes as an added benefit! Put simply- an infographic is the amalgamation of text and graphics that makes information easy to understand. Infographics deliver a visual punch to your content, using graphics as a driving force.
They also pack your message in a way that makes it eye-ball grabbing!
More and more business are gravitating towards the usage of infographics to up their visibility quotient; competition is tough and brand visibility is of utmost importance. An infographic as a branding tool assumes top priority in todays business ecosystem.
Let us do a little study of the history of infographics.:
People have relied on visual presentation of data for aeons now! Some of the most effective attempts from back in the day have influenced a way we currently perceive data. The popular ones are mentioned below:
– Cave paintings as old as the ones in the Chauvet site in southern France is one of the prime examples of primitive infographics.
– Maps that date back to as far as 7500 BC from present day Turkey
– Egyptian hieroglyphics
Here are reasons why businesses should adopt infographics and infographic PowerPoint templates!
1. Ensures engagement
Humans only remember 20% of what they read! This states that humans are visual learners as opposed to learning by reading text. Statistics state that 50% of the brain is active while were visually processing information and a visual processing is close to 60000 times faster than making sense out of text. This is one of the prime reasons why brands rely on infographics to drive information to their audience. The visibility and accessibility that an infographic bestows helps brands grab more eyeballs! An ideal infographic is an interplay of text, keywords and relevant images!
2. Driving brand advocacy
Brand advocacy is as a result of effective viewer engagement. It is now a priority for marketers who seek to maximise the results of their marketing effort. Infographics are extremely shareable which make it accessible for the audience; thereby adding to brand advocacy. With the possibility of your brand going viral, your brand stands a chance at better brand advocacy. If statistics are to be noted; 1 in every 2 people has bought a product after seeing it on social media. Also, your brand advocates are four times as much likely to share your infographic. More reasons for you to wield your creativity on paper? Yes!
3. Proven track record
Going by statistics, like weve always resorted to; an infographic boosts your chance of being seen!
An infographic is 28 times more likely to be read as opposed to an article comprising only of textual information.
There have been over 70,000 searches per month for the terms infographic(s) in the year 2013. This shows the growing popularity of infographics!
Web specialists KISSmetrics spawned close to 40,000 retweets of their infographic material!
To conclude it can be said that the power of infographics can in no way be undermined and an infographic backed by effective social media marketing can drive more people to your brand!
About the Author: Dharmendra Ahuja is the author of Infographic PowerPoint Templates and Brand Advocacy: The Relation Slideloot, based in Delhi, providing Free Powerpoint Infographics, free PowerPoint Presentations, animated slide. Its absolutely free & instant access to fully editable PowerPoint slides. Website:
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